Reiki Healing Sessions
ReikiReiki is an ancient form of healing that works to guide life force energy for the highest good of the client. It heals on all levels and works to bring us into complete alignment with our authentic selves.
Our sessions draw from multiple lineages and styles of healing. We blend together Usui, Holy Fire® III, Tera Mai, Seichem, and Shamanic Healing. Sessions are infused with crystal healing, sound healing, aromatherapy, and more based on what we feel intuitively called to bring in. |
BenefitsReiki is a wonderful way to heal the body, mind, and spirit. Energy is adapted to each clients unique needs. The natural healing process is activated and balance is restored to the chakras. Reiki works to calm the mind, increase energy levels, bring emotional balance, reduce stress and anxiety, build confidence, improve sleep, aid digestion, ease tension, relax tight muscles, promote pain relief and so much more. With this high level of healing and clearing, your most authentic self is revealed, your life purpose/path becomes clearer, and you overall feel happier and healthier.
How does it work?
Rei= Spiritual Wisdom, Ki=Life Force Energy
Ki is the life force energy that flows within us and all around us. This energy is sometimes referred to as prana, chi, or spirit. We can feel this energy when practicing yoga, meditation, prayer, tai chi, creative arts, music, etc. A healthy flow of Ki is neccessary for the body, mind, and spirit to function at its best. When our Ki becomes diminished, blocked or stagnant, it can lead to physical and emotional distress.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner becomes a channel for this energy to flow. Spiritual wisdom concentrates and regulates the flow of Ki so that blockages are gently removed, and a healthy flow is restored. Reiki energy is pure love- warm, unconditional, accepting, and gentle love. It is like a little drop of all of consciousness.
There are 3 types of Reiki healing sessions that we offer- Traditional, The Reiki Experience, and Distance Reiki
Ki is the life force energy that flows within us and all around us. This energy is sometimes referred to as prana, chi, or spirit. We can feel this energy when practicing yoga, meditation, prayer, tai chi, creative arts, music, etc. A healthy flow of Ki is neccessary for the body, mind, and spirit to function at its best. When our Ki becomes diminished, blocked or stagnant, it can lead to physical and emotional distress.
In a Reiki session, the practitioner becomes a channel for this energy to flow. Spiritual wisdom concentrates and regulates the flow of Ki so that blockages are gently removed, and a healthy flow is restored. Reiki energy is pure love- warm, unconditional, accepting, and gentle love. It is like a little drop of all of consciousness.
There are 3 types of Reiki healing sessions that we offer- Traditional, The Reiki Experience, and Distance Reiki
Traditional SessionIn a traditional session, the practitioner lightly places hands over the client in a variety of postitions along the body. It is not a massage, but rather a channeling of energy. The client may experience light sensations of warmth or a gentle tingling. Session are done on a massage table, supported with props. The client stays fully clothed and rests comfortably. The bed is heated and emits negative ions which cleanse and purify. It has a layer of crystals (amethyst, sodalite, blue lace agate, green aventurine, yellow aventurine, carnelian, red jasper) which balance the chakras and provide a wide range of other healing benefits. It also includes wellness enhancing PEMF Therapy. This gentle, non invasive practice is never painful. It is always a safe space to relax, let go and be.
Sessions are held in our beautiful Reiki room. **You may request that your practitioner wear a mask** |
The Reiki Experience
In a Reiki Experience, you are guided into a meditation and drawn through an experience where you receive healing energy directly from source. This is not a hands on treatment- instead, the practitioner holds space while the Reiki energy surrounds you and works to heal specific issues. This can be done in person or over the phone while the client rests comfortably. Different experiences include-
-Being surrounded by peace and calm
-Experiencing divine love
-Healing a specific issue along your timeline
-Healing from conception to post-birth (ancestral wounds, birth traumas)
-Help in reaching your next level of spiritual development
-Receiving spiritual nourishment and guidance
-Removing negative energy
-Empowering goals
-Healing spirit attachments/ cutting cords
-Being surrounded by peace and calm
-Experiencing divine love
-Healing a specific issue along your timeline
-Healing from conception to post-birth (ancestral wounds, birth traumas)
-Help in reaching your next level of spiritual development
-Receiving spiritual nourishment and guidance
-Removing negative energy
-Empowering goals
-Healing spirit attachments/ cutting cords
Distance Reiki
Energy can be sent over space and time. If you are unable to come in for healing, you are short on time, or would simply rather, Reiki can be given to you from a distance. This type of session requires no contact, so you can rest at home, sleep, or go about a busy day while receiving healing energy. This session is great to book for a loved one- they dont need to do anything but receive! Once the session is completed, clients will be emailed any information or messages that came through during the session.
Traditional Reiki (30 Minutes) - $40.00
Traditional Reiki (45 minutes) - $60.00
Traditional Reiki (60 Minutes) - $75.00
Reiki Experience (45 Minutes) in person- $55.00
Reiki Experience (45 Minutes) over phone- $45.00
Distance Sessions- $35.00
Traditional Reiki (45 minutes) - $60.00
Traditional Reiki (60 Minutes) - $75.00
Reiki Experience (45 Minutes) in person- $55.00
Reiki Experience (45 Minutes) over phone- $45.00
Distance Sessions- $35.00
**We respectfully ask for 24 hours notice when cancelling so that the appointment may be available to others in need of treatment. Failure to give 24 hours notice will result in a 50% charge of your scheduled appointment. If you do not show up for an appointment and do not provide notice you will be charged in full. When arriving late for an appointment, time will be subtracted from the session unless the schedule permits.**